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Sloped Writing Board

  • Seating
  • Other
  • Description

    An angled writing board can reduce the need for neck and trunk flexion during tabletop activities e.g. writing or reading. This may help where a child has restricted upper body movement and strength (reduces need for reach, promotes functional hand positions for fine motor tasks) or a visual impairment. It promotes a more upright trunk position, good hand position for drawing activities and may reduce eye strain for visual scanning activities.


    450mm x 350mm

    7 positions. Angle Range: 20° - 70°.

    Inclusion Possibilities

    • Supports participation and engagement of tabletop activities with peers where physical barriers may restrict time or ability to play on a horizontal surface
    • Can be used for individual and/or group experiences

    Things to consider

      • Space available on table and set up assistance required (due to weight)

    Storage and use

    • This equipment can be used indoors and outdoors in dry areas but must be stored indoors when not in use
    • Stores flat when not in use

    How to request

    • Contact your Inclusion Professional or Inclusion Support QLD