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Firefly Scooot 3-in-1 Mobility Rider

  • Seating
  • Description

    The Firefly Scooot Mobility Rider has three modes. It enables the child to crawl with tummy support, to scoot along using their legs while sitting upright or, when the wheels are attached, to self-propel using their arms.

    This equipment is designed for children aged between 2 and 6 years.

    Inclusion Possibilities

    • Supports access to and participation in movement experiences

    • Can be used to enable participation where peers are moving around the environment

    Things to consider

    • Educators should consider how the mobility rider will be used, in terms of routines and staffing within the care environment, to maximise children’s participation in the program and facilitate peer interaction
    • Educators should consult with therapists and parents about appropriate timeframes when using the mobility rider
    • Educators should consult the operating manual and therapists as needed

    Storage and use

    • This equipment can be used indoors and outdoors on flat level areas but must be stored indoors when not in use

    How to request

    • Contact your Inclusion Professional or Inclusion Support QLD