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Rifton Blue Wave Bath Seat

  • Seating
  • Description

    This bath seat can also be used for messy activities. It is a portable, lightweight, and supportive seat where the child sits low enough to be able to enjoy activities at ground level.

    Inclusion Possibilities

    • Supports access and participation for floor-based play or group experience
    • Can be used for individual and/or group experiences
    • This chair can be used in the sand pit due to its mesh fabric cover

    Things to consider

    • Educators should consider how this seat will be used within the care environment to maximise children’s participation in the program and to facilitate peer interaction
    • Educators should consult with therapists and parents about whether this chair provides appropriate support for the child and appropriate timeframes for use of the chair

    Storage and use

    • This equipment can be used outdoors and in wet or sandy areas but must be stored indoors to minimise surface damage.
    • The chair needs to be regularly brushed clean to keep dirt and sand out of the moving mechanisms.

    How to request

    • Contact your Inclusion Professional or Inclusion Support QLD