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Movin' Sit Junior

  • Seating
  • Description

    This triangular wedge-shaped inflatable cushion is designed to promote correct seated posture. The wedge shape is particularly helpful for children who have low muscle tone.

    These cushions are also an effective way to provide children with sensory input whilst they are seated, as the inflatable material allows children to wriggle.

    Inclusion Possibilities

    • Can provide support to enable a child to access and participate in seated experiences with their peers

    • Can provide sensory input to help calm or increase levels of arousal to enable increased opportunities for engagement and participation

    Things to consider

    • Educators should consult with therapists and parents about the types of sensory experiences a child may be seeking or avoiding and how this may impact the child’s participation and engagement
    • Educators should consider how sensory equipment will be used within the care environment to support children’s participation in the program and facilitate peer interaction
    • Educators should consider talking with all children about how and why sensory equipment is used at the service

    Storage and use

    • This equipment can be used indoors and outdoors but must be stored inside to minimise surface damage

    How to request

    • Contact your Inclusion Professional or Inclusion Support QLD