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Inclusion is a Right

7 February 2023

Inclusion is a right not a nice or charitable thing to do for children.

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has recently released a suite of resources to help services understand their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA).

If a child’s enrolment is not accepted because of their disability, or they are prevented from attending the service or participating in the educational program because of their disability, then this is discrimination. Services are required to make reasonable adjustments to address barriers to access and participation so all children can access and fully participate in the service. This could include using visual supports, implementing strategies to support sensory needs, making adjustments to the routine and accessing additional support or resources such as those provided through our program.

The new ACECQA resources to understand your obligations under the DDA. include fact sheets, posters, and information sheets.

If you would like support to reflect and plan for reasonable adjustments for children in your service, you can contact your Inclusion Professional.